Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Day 2(Pre Production)

Day 2 we came together as a group and discuss about our individual stories and consulted julian about each of our individual stories i think everyone's story was kind of cool . But after julian's consultation the stories he deemed good were tough to execute according to him and hence we came together as a group to discuss about what we really wanted to do .

Drum rolls please........ and we decided it would be on homosexuality and the moral of the story evolves around looks are decptive .

Basically its evolves around the story of this perfect girl who is pressurized by her mother to be what she wasn't when she was young and wants her to married to a rich guy and be a high class society people . Under this perfect girl named Dawn there is this hidden secret that she is lesbian and because of her love for her mother she studies hard and takes up alot of CCA to be the perfect girl on the appearance but deep down there is this different side that she is actually decieving her mother all the way and that she isn't the perfect girl everyone knows .

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