Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Day 1(pre production)

Day one of class today we went to LT 25 in the morning to listen to alan briefing us on our assignments that are to be submitted by this block . Basically we are supposed to hand in a short video clip based on a aseop tale through re-telling or literal interpretation . After breifing we were dismissed to our respective classes , where we were divided into groups of 5 by julian and i was grouped with Ain(Director inspired) , Yumi(morbit fairytales expert) , Jacen(Post Production Enthu) and Amy(Still water waiting to boil) haha . Never worked with them before but thats what i interpreted their characters were after our first discussion on which Aesop fables we would consider using . Ideas weren't really coming out from our brains or should i say mouth at first except for Ain and Yumi who were more outspoken guess jacen me and amy were a bit shy at first kind of unlike me . And so we decided to go home and come up with stories and interpretations of the fables individually since nothing much was progressing :)

And so this is the two stories i came up with .... Basically the synopsis of the first idea is ordinary man waking up from his sleep and then the screen splits in between the frame and the main character splits into two one living live with a positive attitude and everything in his side of the frame always end with a positive outcome and the other self living live with a negative attitude would end up with a negative outcome no matter what he does . The main character from both sides would continue with their daily lives and placed in the same scenario and situations however the outcomes are always different .

The story goes with Pette the main lead waking up in the morning to start his daily routine again only this time something special happen , pette is being split into two one (PP)positive pette and the other (NP) negative pette . As they do their daily routine like brushing teeth PP who treats life with a positive attitude patiently squeeze his toothpaste out even though its left with the last bit and is real hard to squeeze it out but PP still does it in a patient way and everything goes smoothly in his side . However on NP side he is highly annoyed by the effort needed to squeeze out the toothpaste he got frustrated and used all his strength however instead of helping , the toothpaste spill out onto his face and fell from his face to the basin . Then as they continue through their life PP always seems to come up with a positive outcome , jealous and annoyed by the success of PP , NP decided to throw a banana skin into PP side of the screen to make him fall into his side of negativity , he succeded and thought that he would finally enjoy a positive outcome in his life when a hot babe approaches from both sides of the screen NP thought yes !!! he would finally get the babe and PP would end up with all the negative . As NP approaches the hot babe and gets her number , on the other side of the screen the hot babe approaches PP lying on the floor injured and helps him up with his arm on her shoulder walking off , and NP dispite his effort still gets rejected by the girl because of his attitude towards life .

The moral of the story is "He who finds discontentment in one place is unlikely to find happiness in another" its a re-telling of the fable The ass and his master .

Thats Day one for you YEAPPY!!!

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