Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Day 5

Interim 1 today . we proposed our final idea to julian and asked for feedbacks which i thought was informative and helpful like the idea of cutting back to reality from the surreal and fantasy part of the story using a black screen and audio of door slaming was impactful . also he highlighted our main strengths and requirements we need to take note for our piece to work out well as well which i thought was infromative .

After that we hang out in the canteen waiting for time to pass before we meet up with our cast . My motivation for the production opps lol i and jacen were joking that if this were to be a gay film we wouldn't be so motivated haha just kidding . anyway we meet up with our cast as planned and yumi and amy who saw them the first time too feels they are right for the role . In my opinion they are pretty well suited just hope they can act well . Ain briefly brief them about their roles respectively and everyone introduced themselve to the cast and everyone just mixed around get used to each other since we would be working together for the nxt few weeks .

Haha everything is going according to plan weather's good woots Rets go ZHAI team haha .

haha want sneak preview of our cast ? hehe check this out

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